Mark Van Scyoc | Shutterstock

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, Paul Martin, former Inspector General (IG) for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), shared his experiences and insights along with two other former IGs. The panelists emphasized the critical role of Inspectors General under the IG Act, highlighting their responsibilities to investigate fraud, waste, and abuse, and to promote economy and efficiency in government operations and programs.

The discussion shed light on a key aspect of the IGs’ role: while the President has the authority to remove an IG, Congress must be notified 30 days in advance, along with a detailed explanation of the reasons for the dismissal.

In early February, USAID’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) issued a report raising concerns about the risks associated with the drawdown in staffing for global humanitarian assistance, particularly in Gaza. Shortly after the report’s release, Paul Martin received an email from the White House’s Office of Personnel, informing him of his termination. Reflecting on the incident, Martin expressed that he was not surprised, stating, “That’s the kind of oversight that we do.”

Martin’s remarks during the interview underscored the importance of independence for IGs to effectively perform their duties. He highlighted that maintaining this independence is crucial for an aggressive and effective IG function, a responsibility that now falls to Congress to uphold and protect.

Behind paywall – WSJ exclusive interview