Home Law GAO Sustains Protest to Solicitation’s Implementation of Randolph-Sheppard Act LawExpert OpinionNews GAO Sustains Protest to Solicitation’s Implementation of Randolph-Sheppard Act May 11, 2022 84 Share FacebookLinkedinTwitter BCFC | Shutterstock You must be a Paid or Free Trial Member to Access this Content. Paid members, please login to view your news subscription(s). RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Law The Solicitation Permitted Proposals in Arial Font, But that Doesn’t Mean Offerors Could Use Any of the Arial “Family of Fonts” Cyber How to Deliver More Secure Capabilities to the Warfighter, Faster Law Protester Argued Agency’s Square Footage Requirement Was Unduly Restrictive. Why Did GAO Think It Was Reasonable?