You have undoubtedly heard the stories, a contractor with a flawless record going back years gets one bad past performance record, maybe due to themselves or a subcontractor and now they are blackballed. While many in the government believe this is all exaggeration, contractors know that this situation can occur and that even a “satisfactory” rating can be the difference between winning and losing the next big contract. For this reason it is critical that contractors understand when, among other things, they can and cannot use subcontractor or JV member past performance, when and how to protest unduly restrictive limitations on such use, and how to effectively challenge bad past performance ratings.
In this session we will walk through what you need to know to survive and thrive using past performance in the federal marketplace including:
The general FAR rules for use of individual owner, subcontractor, and key employee past performance
How individual procurements can limit the FAR allowances and when it goes too “far”
When and how to challenge restrictions to past performance in an RFP
When and how to challenge inaccurate and unfair past performance assessments