In this first proper episode of Bona Fide Needs, Arnold & Porter Partner Mike McGill and PubKGroup Managing Editor Bill Olver cover a broad range of recent legal developments affecting government contractors.
Our primary feature this month is Mike’s in-depth discussion with Andre Geverola, head of Arnold & Porter’s cartel investigations practice and former Director of Litigation for the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division, about DOJ’s scrutiny of wage fixing and no-poach agreements in the defense industry. In our second feature, Bill speaks with Arnold & Porter partner Craig Margolis for a timely overview of the Department of Justice’s False Claims Act recoveries for fiscal year 2021. Mike and Bill round out the episode with updates on the cases, regulations, and other developments relevant to federal contractors.
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Headlines referenced in this podcast
Executive Order on Use of Project Labor Agreements For Federal Construction Projects
Lockheed Martin Walks Away from $4.4B Aerojet Rocketdyne Acquisition
DOJ Announces $5.6 Billion in FCA Recoveries for FY2021
Department of Defense: State of Competition within the Defense Industrial Base
COFC Renounces GAO Rule, Declines to Find Offeror Has Duty to Notify Agency of Changes in Personnel
Government Transition from DUNS Number to New Unique Entity Identifier Will Occur on April 4, 2022