The House has passed tech and cyber bills ranging from imposing automatic sanctions on foreign hackers to creating a new chief data officer position at Homeland Security. But with a tight legislative calendar before the end of the 115th Congress, the Senate will have to work fast if any of those bills are going to become law.
Actions taken include:
- The Cyber Deterrence and Response Act, requiring executive action against identified cyber threat actors
- The Securing the Homeland Security Supply Chain Act, reacting to Kaspersky
- Legislating the DHS Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program
- Standardizing contractor fitness standards across various Homeland Security divisions
- Creating drone coordinator and chief data officer positions at Homeland Security
- The SELF DRIVE Act, setting standards for driverless vehicles
- Holding hearings about regulation of social media companies
- Applauding criminal charges against North Korean hacker responsible for the 2014 Sony breach and 2017 WannaCry attack
- Rebuking the CFPB and FTC for inaction against Equifax
- Universally approving meteorologist Kelvin Droegemeier to lead the Office of Science and Technology Policy