Anti-human trafficking is a serious concern in many USAID countries. It is also a requirement in USAID contracts, grants, and cooperative agreements to prepare a mitigation plan based on an assessment of the risk that the activity may involve human trafficking.
USAID’s Office of Justice, Rights, and Security hosted a “fireside chat” with representatives of 12 USAID missions on countering trafficking in persons (C-TIP). The takeaways were published in a recent Learning Digest and are useful for Contractors and Recipients preparing or updating mitigation plans to comply with their awards’ anti-trafficking in persons contract clause or award provision.
- Strengthen procurement and staff training to enable teams to engage more effectively with local civil society organizations
- Incorporate C-TIP more broadly into existing programs and initiatives
- Partner with local civil society organizations and government entities. Leverage their local knowledge, understanding of context, and connections to the community
- Raise public awareness with targeted campaigns using grassroots organizations.