Home Law GAO Unconvinced by Challenge to Sole-Source BPA; Castro & Company, LLC, GAO... LawNewsProtestsResource Library GAO Unconvinced by Challenge to Sole-Source BPA; Castro & Company, LLC, GAO B-419366 February 25, 2021 79 Share FacebookLinkedinTwitter liveostockimages | Shutterstock You must be a Paid or Free Trial Member to Access this Content. Paid members, please login to view your news subscription(s). RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Law GAO Dismissed a Protest Because the Protester Had Been Suspended. Could the Protester Revive the Protest When the Suspension Was Lifted? Law The Protester Claimed It Was Still In the Competitive Range. GAO Said the Evaluation Told a Different Story. Law Defense Innovation Unit: Actions Needed to Assess Progress and Further Enhance Collaboration