Saturday, July 27, 2024





The most comprehensive source for developments in law, cyber,
and compliance for the government contracts community

Pub K’s Annual Review 2019

Watch the leading government contracts experts discuss this past year’s
most important legal developments at Pub K’s Annual Review

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Free to the Public + Free CLE Credit for PubK Subscribers


CLE Credit

Pub K’s Annual Review 2019 has been approved for CLE credit by the State Bars of Virginia, Texas, California, and Kansas. CLE credit for Pub K subscribers is free. For non-subscribers, one credit is $75. Two or more CLE credits is $150.
Note that some state bars — like New York —  allow attorneys to count CLE earned through participation in out of state courses accredited by an approved jurisdiction. For example, Virginia is a New York approved jurisdiction. Because the Annual Review has been approved in Virginia, New York attorneys may claim CLE credit toward their New York CLE requirement. Be sure to check with your state bar to see if they allow attorneys to claim CLE credit approved by Virginia, Texas, California, or Kansas.

2019 Annual Review Sponsors


Call or email Craig LaChance at 202-846-9826 /