Fer Gregory | Shutterstock

Defense Logistics Agency Intelligence has issued a new policy providing guidance on labeling unclassified information that’s sensitive but doesn’t require classification. DLAI 5200.48 outlines how employees should apply the new markings as well as standards like encrypting emails containing CUI. It also helps employees identify information that requires protection and provides instructions on applying appropriate safeguards to prevent unauthorized disclosure. New mandatory training on CUI was launched Feb. 2 through the Learning Management System.

The first page of all documents, unclassified or classified, that contain CUI must include the following CUI designation indicators:

  • Controlled by: [Name of DoD Component] (Only if not on letterhead)
  • Controlled by: [Name of Office]
  • CUI Category: [List category or categories of CUI]
  • Distribution/Dissemination Control: [Who is authorized to receive the information]
  • POC: [Phone or email address]

DLA Information Security Program Manager Matthew Baker said the new policy is intended to help streamline various policies on how DoD identifies, marks, and safeguards information that is sensitive but does not require classification. In March 2020, DOD Instruction 5200.48 directed defense agencies to use of “Controlled Unclassified Information” on documents, emails and other products previously labeled by various designations including “For Official Use Only,” “Sensitive But Unclassified,” “Limited Official Use” and “Law Enforcement Sensitive.”
