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The agency found the protester’s proposal unacceptable under a recruitment subfactor. The protester objected, but GAO agreed with the agency. The solicitation required offerors to address recruitment in the San Antonio market. The protester’s proposal did not contain the words “San Antonio.”

Monbo Group International, GAO B-421554
  • PWS Compliance – The agency found the protester’s proposal unacceptable under a PWS compliance subfactor. GAO found the rating was warranted. The solicitation instructed offerors to address PWS compliance in detail, including six labor classifications and specific capabilities for each classification. The protester’s proposal contained only a two-sentence description of how it planned to comply with no mention of the capabilities for each labor classification.
  • San Antonio Market – The agency found the protester’s proposal unacceptable under a recruitment subfactor. The solicitation required offerors to discuss the market for biomedical technicians in San Antonio. The agency determined the protester had not adequately discussed the San Antonio market. The protester said it addressed this requirement. GAO sided with the agency. The protester discussed the geographic breadth of its recruitment efforts, but its proposal didn’t specifically mention San Antonio.
  • Interested Party – The protester challenged the evaluation of the awardee’s proposal. But the protester’s proposal was unacceptable. The protester was not an interested party to challenge the awardee’s proposal.

Monbo is represented by Dee Monbo. The agency is represented by Michael McDermett of the Army. GAO attorneys David A. Edelstein and Alexander O. Levine participated in the decision.

–Case summary by Craig LaChance, Senior Editor