Home Law The Agency Giveth, and the Agency Taketh Away: Why Was the COFC... LawNewsProtestsResource Library The Agency Giveth, and the Agency Taketh Away: Why Was the COFC Cool with the Agency Cancelling the Award and the Solicitation? April 28, 2023 153 Share FacebookLinkedinTwitter Wedgirl | Shutterstock You must be a Paid or Free Trial Member to Access this Content. Paid members, please login to view your news subscription(s). RELATED ARTICLESMORE FROM AUTHOR Expert Opinion COFC Holds That Federal PLA Mandate Is Unlawful; Reinterprets Blue and Gold Waiver Rule Law GAO Severs Protest Grounds. Protester Only Reimbursed for One Challenge Law Protester Prevailed on an Agency Protest But Didn’t Like the Resulting Corrective Action. Why Did GAO Think the Corrective Action Was Fine?